Programming Language Concept

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Session 4 : Data Types


This session is GSLC


  • A data type defines a collection of data objects and a set of predefined operations on those objects
  • A descriptor is the collection of the attributes of a variable
  • An object represents an instance of a user-defined (abstract data) type
  • One design issue for all data types: What operations are defined and how are they specified?

Primitive Data Types

  • Almost all programming languages provide a set of primitive data types
  • Primitive data types: Those not defined in terms of other data types
  • Some primitive data types are merely reflections of the hardware
  • Others require only a little non-hardware support for their implementation
  • Integer
  • Floating Point
  • Complex
  • Decimal
  • Boolean
  • Character

Character String Types

  • Values are sequences of characters
  • Design issues:
  1. Is it a primitive type or just a special kind of array?
  2. Should the length of strings be static or dynamic?

User-Defined Ordinal Types

  • An ordinal type is one in which the range of possible values can be easily associated with the set of positive integers
  • Examples of primitive ordinal types in Java
  1. integer
  2. char
  3. boolean

Array Types

  • An array is a homogeneous aggregate of data elements in which an individual element is identified by its position in the aggregate, relative to the first element.

Associative Arrays

  • An associative array is an unordered collection of data elements that are indexed by an equal number of values called keys

User-defined keys must be stored

  • Built-in type in Perl, Python, Ruby, and Lua

In Lua, they are supported by tables

Record Types

  • A record is a possibly heterogeneous aggregate of data elements in which the individual elements are identified by names
  • Design issues:
  1. What is the syntactic form of references to the field?
  2. Are elliptical references allowed

Tuple Types

  • A tuple is a data type that is similar to a record, except that the elements are not named
  • Used in Python, ML, and F# to allow functions to return multiple values


  • Closely related to its lists, but immutable
  • Create with a tuple literal

   myTuple = (3, 5.8, ′apple′)

Referenced with subscripts (begin at 1)

Catenation with + and deleted with del

  • ML

val myTuple = (3, 5.8, ′apple′);

Access as follows:

#1(myTuple) is the first element

A new tuple type can be defined:

  type intReal = int * real;

  • F#

let tup = (3, 5, 7)

let a, b, c = tup  This assigns a tuple to a tuple pattern (a, b, c)

List Types

  • Lists in LISP and Scheme are delimited by parentheses and use no commas(A B C D) and (A (B C) D)
  • Data and code have the same form

As data, (A B C) is literally what it is

As code, (A B C) is the function A applied to the parameters B and C

  • The interpreter needs to know which a list is, so if it is data, we quote it with an apostrophe′(A B C) is data
  • List Operations in Scheme
  1. CAR returns the first element of its list parameter

(CAR ′(A B C)) returns A

2. CDR returns the remainder of its list parameter after the first element has been removed

(CDR ′(A B C)) returns (B C)

3. CONS puts its first parameter into its second parameter, a list, to make a new list

(CONS ′A (B C)) returns (A B C)

4. LIST returns a new list of its parameters

(LIST ′A ′B ′(C D)) returns (A B (C D))

Unions Types

  • A union is a type whose variables are allowed to store different type values at different times during execution
  • Design issues
  1. Should type checking be required?
  2. Should unions be embedded in records?

Pointer and Reference Types

  • A pointer type variable has a range of values that consists of memory addresses and a special value, nil
  • Provide the power of indirect addressing
  • Provide a way to manage dynamic memory
  • A pointer can be used to access a location in the area where storage is dynamically created (usually called a heap)

Type Checking

  • Generalize the concept of operands and operators to include subprograms and assignments
  • Type checking is the activity of ensuring that the operands of an operator are of compatible types
  • A compatible type is one that is either legal for the operator, or is allowed under language rules to be implicitly converted, by compiler- generated code, to a legal type

This automatic conversion is called a coercion.

  • A type error is the application of an operator to an operand of an inappropriate type
  • If all type bindings are static, nearly all type checking can be static
  • If type bindings are dynamic, type checking must be dynamic
  • A programming language is strongly typed if type errors are always detected
  • Advantage of strong typing: allows the detection of the misuses of variables that result in type errors


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