Programming Language Concept

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Session 7 : Subprograms



  • Two fundamental abstraction facilities

Process abstraction

  • Emphasized from early days
  • Discussed in this chapter

Data abstraction

  • Emphasized in the1980s
  • Discussed at length in Chapter 11

Fundamentals of Subprograms

  • Each subprogram has a single entry point
  • The calling program is suspended during execution of the called subprogram
  • Control always returns to the caller when the called subprogram’s execution terminates

Local Referencing Environments

  • Local variables can be stack-dynamic


  • Support for recursion
  • Storage for locals is shared among some subprograms


  • Allocation/de-allocation, initialization time
  • Indirect addressing
  • Subprograms cannot be history sensitive
  • Local variables can be static

Advantages and disadvantages are the opposite of those for stack-dynamic local variables

Implementing Parameter-Passing Methods

  • In most languages parameter communication takes place thru the run-time stack
  • Pass-by-reference are the simplest to implement; only an address is placed in the stack


Function header:  void sub(int a, int b, int c, int d)

Function call in main: sub(w, x, y, z)

(pass w by value, x by result, y by value-result, z by reference


Parameters that are Subprogram Names

  • It is sometimes convenient to pass subprogram names as parameters
  • Issues:
  1. Are parameter types checked?
  2. What is the correct referencing environment for a subprogram that was sent as a parameter?

Calling Subprograms Indirectly

  • Usually when there are several possible subprograms to be called and the correct one on a particular run of the program is not know until execution (e.g., event handling and GUIs)
  • In C and C++, such calls are made through function pointers
  • In C#, method pointers are implemented as objects called delegates

A delegate declaration:

public delegate int Change(int x);

This delegate type, named Change, can be instantiated with any method that takes an int parameter and returns an int value

A method:  static int fun1(int x) { … }

  Instantiate: Change chgfun1 = new Change(fun1);

Can be called with: chgfun1(12);

A delegate can store more than one address, which is called a multicast delegate

Overloaded Subprograms

  • An overloaded subprogram is one that has the same name as another subprogram in the same referencing environment

Every version of an overloaded subprogram has a unique protocol

  • C++, Java, C#, and Ada include predefined overloaded subprograms
  • In Ada, the return type of an overloaded function can be used to disambiguate calls (thus two overloaded functions can have the same parameters)
  • Ada, Java, C++, and C# allow users to write multiple versions of subprograms with the same name

User-Defined Overloaded Operators

  • Operators can be overloaded in Ada, C++, Python, and Ruby
  • A Python example

def __add__ (self, second) :

  return Complex(self.real + second.real,

self.imag + second.imag)

Use: To compute x + y, x.__add__(y)


  • A closure is a subprogram and the referencing environment where it was defined
  1. The referencing environment is needed if the subprogram can be called from any arbitrary place in the program
  2. A static-scoped language that does not permit nested subprograms doesn’t need closures
  3. Closures are only needed if a subprogram can access variables in nesting scopes and it can be called from anywhere
  4. To support closures, an implementation may need to provide unlimited extent to some variables (because a subprogram may access a nonlocal variable that is normally no longer alive)


  • A coroutine is a subprogram that has multiple entries and controls them itself – supported directly in Lua
  • Also called symmetric control: caller and called coroutines are on a more equal basis
  • A coroutine call is named a resume
  • The first resume of a coroutine is to its beginning, but subsequent calls enter at the point just after the last executed statement in the coroutine
  • Coroutines repeatedly resume each other, possibly forever
  • Coroutines provide quasi-concurrent execution of program units (the coroutines); their execution is interleaved, but not overlapped


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